Thursday, December 14, 2006

Quote the Emperor, "Nevermore!"

From: PETOP, People for the Ethical Treatment Of Penguins.

Human Subjects,

By now you have probably noticed a large void in that brown area you call your front lawn. Fear not, your snow globe and it’s prisoner are in a safe place. You will get your torture device back in due time. But first a word about our organization: Your “decoration” and the plight of its inhabitant were brought to our attention by our esteemed colleagues at the RLF. Our species was meant to waddle and swim free in artic climates, not languish in the confines of your plastic dome. The cruelty must stop. This was a warning. PETOP is long suffering and slow to anger, but we will not be trifled with. Our brother will soon return from his vacation, but we will be monitoring his condition. Be forewarned.


The Emperor


The Summerhill Gang said...

Nice Photoshop skills....Hmmm....I wonder who could do that...

R3...Where are you? said...

Petunia...come home! The family misses you! Please, please take good care of her. She has a rare disease that not only affects her immune system (hence the protective bubble), but also her breathing (hence the rather loud air flow device). She is a sweet little penguin that needs the special TLC that only a loving family whose children out number their parents can give.

PS: Please make sure Petunia gets her snow breathing treatment for at minimum 60 minutes/4x a day. Her life depends on it!

The Summerhill Gang said...

OK, guys, time to return the penguin...